Jin Nakamura log




だって「空」は「empty」なんだから。もしAll things are empty…と語ったとすればだれも「すべてのものは空(くう)である」なんて英語圏の人々は当然理解しないだろう。「みんなからっぽなんだってさ!」って笑われて終わりかもしれない。でも日本人ならたぶん笑ったりはしない。よくわからないなりに一応は想像してみる。でもやっぱりなんかモヤモヤとしたかすみのようなものしか見えてはこないけれど。




Essentially Buddhism is a philosophy rather than a religion and this spiritual side does’t fit the original Buddhism. For example the image of salvation after death is no more than a concept with very few part of buddhist sects. Though this emphasized impression descended to the far distance Asian island of Japan from the birth place of Buddha. So we Japanese naturally join our palms together in a spiritual feeling when we face the old buddhist arts.

But it was taboo to idolize in the original Buddhism. Disciples only prayed to the dharmacakra (holy wheel) or the footprint of the Buddha after his death. So they couldn’t feel him very much. And at last, hundred years later they have created replica of the Buddha. And the longing appeared as an idol.

So looking back on beginning of Buddhism, now we are able to visualize easily a dazzling Buddhist world. If they didn’t broke a taboo and they did’t create idols, we had no way to feel him like a past saint except from the wheel and footmark. Since the “official” introduction of Buddhism to Japan in 6 century, people long ago made and kept the many Buddhist statues and pictures as an idol.

An idol is an image or other material object representing a deity in the West, but the word “an idol” in Japanese culture means especially attractive,lovely or cool person. In this way I reinterpret their work and modernize these religious idols to fit into this generation. So just as we enjoy our Japanese idol, I want my viewers to enjoy these many aspects of Buddhism in a light-hearted way.


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